Steve France

Life and Health Insurance Adviser & KiwiSaver Adviser

(0223)775 773

Steve strongly believes that Insurance and KiwiSaver are essential tools for securing a prosperous future. With over a decade of experience assisting clients, he has observed the unfortunate circumstances that can affect even the most deserving individuals. By offering sound advice, Steve ensures that his clients are well-equipped to navigate these challenges.

Steve takes pleasure in optimizing his clients' KiwiSaver funds through strategic adjustments, as this can significantly impact their retirement savings. This proactive approach helps clients achieve the retirement lifestyle they desire.

In his personal life, Steve is a dedicated father to two teenagers. When he is not spending time with his children, he enjoys playing hockey and participating in Powerlifting and Strongman competitions.

We did a little Q&A with Steve to get to know him better…

Tell us something about you.

I compete in Powerlifting and have a couple of NZ records.

What is the best part about being an adviser?

Its great to be able simplify complex issues for clients to allow them to make informed choices.

What is the best advice you can give to your clients as an adviser?

Get advise so that you can make an informed choice.

What is your favorite quote/mantra in life?

"The best time to put a plan in place was yesterday, the second best time is today."

What is the best time for clients to contact you?

Im available during work hours 8-6. I can arrange meeting outside work hours if required.


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Susie Wright