What To Do If You Have A Complaint
Complaints Policy Statement
Maurice Trapp Group Limited and its associated businesses, recognise good customer care is fundamental to the success of our business. We aim to provide clients, partners and suppliers (our stakeholders) with excellent customer service. We will listen to the needs of our stakeholders and respond to complaints seriously, with sensitivity, allowing redress where appropriate.
* For the purposes of this Policy “Maurice Trapp Group Limited” refers to:
Maurice Trapp Group Limited – Auckland, Tauranga and Hamilton
Maurice Trapp Group Union Plus Limited
Financial Design Group Ltd – Auckland
Group Plus Ltd – Auckland
Cooney Insurance – Cambridge
Momentum – Whanganui
Lewis Limited – Napier
KSL Insurances Ltd – Christchurch
Maurice Trapp Group’s Complaint Process
We have both internal and external Complaints processes. We have 5 key steps to handling a complaint. They are:
1. Acknowledge
2. Investigate and resolve giving timelines
3. Advise client of outcome
4. Escalation for unresolved complaints – refer client to our Disputes Resolution Provider Financial Services Complaints Ltd (FSCL) – A Financial Ombudsman Service.
5. Record Keeping
We will acknowledge your complaint within 24 hours of receipt and inform you of next steps ensuring realistic timeframes are communicated to you. Our Team member will let you know who they are and will provide relevant information on how you can contact them – phone / email.
If we receive a verbal complaint from you, we will ascertain whether it can be resolved immediately. If the matter is not straight forward, we will send you an Initial Complaint Form to complete and return to us. We will explain our Complaints process (refer previous page) and that we belong to a Disputes Resolution Scheme.
Once the above document is received or once we have all the information we need, we will acknowledge your Complaint in writing.
Investigate / Resolve
Depending on complexity we will aim to resolve the complaint within 1 to 5 business days. We will record all correspondence, file notes, investigations, recommendations, decisions, reasons and actions taken.
By way of an Offer of Resolution (letter or email) we will provide you with an explanation on how the issue occurred and what has been done to rectify the problem. We will explain what will happen next.
If you are not satisfied with our initial explanation we will formulate an alternative resolution and provide you with a Second Offer of Resolution (letter or email).
If you do not accept our explanation and resolution, we will refer you to our dispute resolution scheme – Financial Services Complaints Limited (FSCL) – A Financial Ombudsman Service. Contact by you to FSCL will need to be made no later than 2 months from the date we advise you to escalate your complaint to them. We will provide you with a letter outlining that our interactions are at a deadlock.
FSCL will gather relevant information from both parties and investigate accordingly. On conclusion of their investigation they will recommend a settlement. If you accept the outcome of their investigation and a satisfactory resolution has been reached, the complaints file will be closed. If you do not accept the decision FSCL makes, then FSCL will impose a final decision which is binding. If this too is not accepted by you, the next step is for you to resolve through a disputes tribunal of the Courts, or escalate to the Financial Markets Authority (FMA).
Financial Disputes Resolution Service
Maurice Trapp Group and associated business have appointed Financial Services Complaints Limited as our independent disputes resolution scheme.
Post: Financial Services Complaints Ltd (FSCL) – A Financial Ombudsman Service, PO Box 5967, Wellington 6011
Freephone: 0800 347 257
Phone: 04 472 3725
Email: complaints@fscl.org.nz
Any complaint unresolved through our internal complaint handling process will be referred to FSCL. Maurice Trapp Group Limited and our Financial Advisers are members of this independent external dispute resolution scheme approved by the Ministry of consumer Affairs. There is no cost to you to use their services.
Record Keeping
All information in relation to your complaint will be recorded chronologically for future reference if required.