Financial Adviser: Mortgages and KiwiSaver
Susan Wu
Speaks fluent Mandarin, Cantonese, and English
Based in Auckland
Contact: (021) 689 130
Email: SusanW@mortgagelab.co.nz
Susan Wu
Mortgage Advice
First Home, Second Home, Holiday Home, Investment Property, Construction loan. I can help with all your home buying needs.
Investment Property Finance
Construction Loans
Non-Bank Lenders
Debt Consolidation
And more…
KiwiSaver Advice
A breakdown of KiwiSaver and some options on how to maximise your gains.
KiwiSaver for the Self-Employed
First Home Withdrawal
And more…
It’s easy to apply for a new mortgage or get your current mortgage reviewed with Susan.
Susan Wu provides regulated financial advice under The Mortgage Lab NZ Limited FAP license and business structure and works within Mortgage Lab as a Financial Adviser – Mortgage Specialist.
I am able to meet with you over online platforms if you are unable to meet in person.
Available to meet at your location (or online) at anytime daily.
Q. What inspired you to become a Mortgage Broker?
A. Flexibility.
Q. What is the best part of being a Mortgage Broker?
A. Help people dream come true.
Q. What have you found to be the most challenging aspect?
A. To gain the trust of people.
Q. What is your most memorable client experience?
A. One of my clients kept searching for me after I changed work company, She was so excited to find me, she felt the peace of mind by putting the business in my hand.
Q. How would you sum up being a Mortgage Broker in three words?
A. Profession, Knowledgeable and Reliable.
Q. If you were Prime Minister for one day, what would you do?
A. I would cut the company tax rate from 28% to 15% to increase the country’s competitive advantage and encourage productive growth and renovation.
Q. If you could have dinner with any three people (alive or dead), who would it be?
A. My grandmother, MJ and Warren Buffett.
Q. Complete this sentence: If I Wasn’t in Mortgage Broking, I would be…
A. I would be a senior property manager or accountant.